Today, We would like to share a precious story of twin’s mother. She is Japanese and in her middle forties, She has a busy life to take care of her kids now. She had been taking the fertility treatments at a hospital and visited to us to have an acupuncture session to ready for her pregnancy. She had been carried out the effective things in every field to ready for pregnancy. I also learned from her and there are many things which has been being a part of my life such as a healthy tea, drink which is rich in iron, warm goods or recommended clinic…etc.
We can say that she has an ideal conditions to be a pregnant when she conceived as she had been preparing to be a pregnant thoroughly. She keeps great core and good life style to make a healthy body, then the body flexibility and warmth has been nurtured more than more during the trying period to conceive.
The developed well stomach’s picture, we appreciate her to share it. Her stomach size already reached to 100cm(3.28ft) at an early point of pregnancy. It was amazing that her belly was getting big as someone watched, but she had taken big dogs for a walk with her growing belly every day until just before the birth. She could continue her daily routine at any situation. She started her busy life to take care of babies soon after she gave the birth. The feeding and putting the baby to bed are also for two. I think the strength is a result of her hard work to ready for her pregnancy.
Now, she is a mother for the twins and dogs, looks happy more. Best wishes for her twin’s happy future.
Bellows are her precious experiences. We had many things to ask her, but this time, we asked her about how to ready for her pregnancy.
*English summary will be up dated soon. Please e-mail to if you would like to know the details about the bellows in English soon.
○ヨガ(アシュタンガなどのパワー系でなく、ハタヨガ、オキヨガ) ヨガで教わった腸もみはとに かく毎日沢山する。
○犬の散歩 1~2時間
○生理用ナプキン 温めに意識をしだしてから、生理用ナプキンは冷える様な気がして、布ナプ キンは使用感が苦手だったのでナチュラムーンというナプキンに変えました。タンポンは使用しない方が良いと思います。
○日頃からジョギング、ゴルフ、バスケット、ジムなど週に2~3はしており、他に犬の散歩を朝晩 で1時間程度
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