What is(was) the most difficult or hard things during pregnancy and
after giving-birth?
During pregnancy – having a good rest at night as mybaby was very active.
After giving birth – juggling with a toddler and anewborn is not easy, plus the night feeds?! Mentally and physically exhausting at times.
Was the session in Meadow acupuncture helpful for it?
After theacupuncture, I usually feel more relaxed and often I get a good rest thatnight.
Message to pregnant or mother, especially who come from oversea please?
A good support system is very important especially being a first-time mum or like me, mum of two, living overseas without family members. Thus, do take the effort to join various Mummies (Dads could join too) Facebook groups i.e. Tokyo Mother Group / Tokyo Pregnancy Group, Tiny Tots, Hike it baby etc. Go outto meet other mummies or mummies to be and build relationships – you will be surprised but these friendships you built, will be your support system.